Pre-Sale Questions


Purchase & Licenses

Please see Purchases & licenses for the most common questions about payments.

Is feature XYZ included?

All features are included in our All Access package. If you are not sure if a specific feature exists then either fill in the form below and wait for the answer, or purchase and try it out for 30 days.

Do I need a license for my test site?

No. You can activate the license on your test site and your live site at the same time. Please find more details here.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, we give refunds within 30 days of the initial purchase. There are no more conditions or hidden policies, just reach out and you will get it.

Can I upgrade?

Yes. You can always upgrade from a single add-on to the All Access offer and to more activations paying only the difference.

Can I cancel the subscription and still use the product?

When you cancel your subscription and your license expires you will no longer have access to new features, bug fixes, and support. You can still use our plugins on the sites you activated the licenses though.

Can I pay in $?

Our prices are given in €, but the payment providers convert them automatically from any currency you are using.

How does a multisite count?

One license activation covers one WordPress installation. You would need two licenses if you have two installations in different subdirectories of the same domain.

You can activate Advanced Ads and its add-ons on as many subsites in your multisite network as your license allows.

Let us know if you have another question

Please do not use this form for technical support.

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