Known Theme Conflicts

The page contains information and possible solutions for conflicts between Advanced Ads, one of its add-ons and themes.


This theme from Themeforest uses outdated JavaScript libraries. We have seen this cause an infinite load of ads. It might not even be related to Advanced Ads.

The outdated files are jquery.fitvids.js and bxslider.min.js. We don’t know if updating them fixes the problem and would instead suggest disabling the features connected to them and removing the files.

On another occasion, the theme seemed to have prevented AdSense from working at all, which was unrelated to Advanced Ads.

Directory Plus

Switch off Progressive Page Loading in the theme settings if you are using Advanced Ads Pro.


Mobile/Desktop sections

The Newspaper theme page builder has the option to hide sections of the page on mobile or desktop devices. If you are using AdSense in a section hidden like that you will likely get a warning from Advanced Ads. The reason is not a conflict between Newspaper and Advanced Ads, but that this feature in the page builder is against the AdSense terms.

One solution could be to use only fully responsive AdSense ad units in the hidden sections because they should not load then. Another solution is to use the features within Advanced Ads to hide ads on specific devices or for particular browser sizes.


If content placements are not showing on your website made with the Divi page builder, go to Advanced Ads > Settings > General > Content ad injection and adjust the value for “Unlimited ad injection” to -1.

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