Cookie information

This website uses Advanced Ads Pro to place advertisements. The WordPress plugin may use multiple first-party cookies to ensure the correct integration of ads for different users. These cookies are only set on and readable by this website and can’t be used by other sites and services to create profiles of your visitors.

Cookie nameCookie lifetimeCookie function
advanced_ads_page_impressions365 daysHelps Advanced Ads to embed ads according to the number of previous page impressions
advanced_ads_pro_visitor_referrer365 daysHelps Advanced Ads to embed ads according to the referrer URL
as defined in the website’s settings Helps Advanced Ads to embed ads according to the number of previous ad impressions
advanced_ads_ad_clicks_[AD_ID]as defined in the website’s settings Helps Advanced Ads to embed ads according to the number of previous ad clicks (click fraud protection)
advanced_ads_browser_width30 daysHelps Advanced Ads to embed ads according to the users‘ browser width
timeout_placement_[PLACEMENT_ID]as defined in the website‘s settings Helps Advanced Ads to hide ads that a user closed by clicking their close buttons
advanced_ads_pro_server_info30 daysHelps Advanced Ads to hide ads according to the geolocation, user roles, or user capability of the website

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