Minimum amount of words between ads

The Words Between Ads feature of Advanced Ads Pro can help you spread your ads more evenly across your website and ensure a good balance between content and ads. This can have a positive effect on the bounce rate of your visitors as well as on the click prices of ad networks like Google AdSense.

It works similarly to the Minimum Content Length option. In contrast to the possibility of injecting ads only in articles that contain a minimum amount of words, the Words Between Ads feature can control ad injections depending on the word count of individual text blocks between ads.

The Words Between Ads is available for the placements Content, After Content, and Middle of Content.

Inject ads only after a specific amount of words

If the option is set and the minimum amount of words after the last automatically injected ad is not reached, the current ad will be injected in the next possible position. Words are counted in any element on your site, including paragraphs and headlines.

Words between ads settings in Advanced Ads
You can find the “Words Between Ads” option in the advanced settings of a placement

Use case: Repeating ad injections

Let’s say you want to embed an ad or ad group multiple times in a post, beginning with the first paragraph. So you choose a content placement with the option “Position after 1st paragraph <p>” and enable the repeat the position checkbox.

This Placement setting injects an ad after the first paragraph in a document and it repeats it then
This placement setting injects an ad after the first paragraph in a document, and it repeats it then

By default, this setup would insert the ad or ad group after every paragraph in your post or page.

Placing an ad after every paragraph might result in too many visible ads when the paragraphs are rather short. In this case, you can define a minimum amount of words that need to appear before the next ad is injected.

Words between ads setting

As a result, the next ad is injected only after more than 50 words appeared in the content. You can see an example on the following screenshot.

Inject of ads spreaded over a website
The ad injection is skipping paragraphs until a total of 50 words appeared since the last ad was injected.

Enter “0” or leave the option blank to inject ads regularly as defined in the placement’s “Position” settings.

What else you need to know

Order of content injections

The order of content injections is as follows: Before Content, Content (multiple placements are sorted by the index of the “Position” setting and then by the name in case their index value is equal), Content Middle, After Content. Placements that use the “Words Between Ads” option are technically injected after all other placements so that they know if there is enough space left.

When these placements use different values in the Words Between Ads option, some ads might still be closer to each other than you might have expected.

Here is an example: You first created placement A which is injected multiple times with a minimum amount of 50 words between each injected ad. Then you add placement B with a set minimum of only 20 words after the last injected ad. It is now possible that placement B would be injected automatically 20 words following placement A, which would mean that the next ad from placement A is only 30 words away.

The placement rules are applied to the content that the placement finds when it is added. In our example, placement B knows about placement A, but not the other way around.

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
PLACEMENT B (20 words after the last placement)
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
PLACEMENT A (50 words after the last injection of A)

You have one placement that injects an ad unit after text segments with a minimum amount of 50 words. If a second placement delivers ads on the same post or page and has set the minimum amount of words between ads to a value of 20, this second placement will be injected already after a minimum of 20 words is reached. This is the correct behavior of the way this option works. Please, keep this in mind when setting up your placements.

Known limitations

The Words Between Ads option also considers placements that are unfilled due to visitor conditions if cache busting is enabled in Advanced Ads Pro.

E.g., Your first placement A has an ad assigned that uses a Device visitor condition to disable it on desktop devices. A placement B that follows uses Words Between Ads. On desktop devices, one would expect that placement B is injected earlier because placement A stays empty.

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
PLACEMENT A (displayed on mobile, not desktop)
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
PLACEMENT B (20 words after the last placement)

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