How to target ads on GamiPress websites

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The free gamification plugin GamiPress allows you to create a digital rewards system. That can help you to increase the loyalty of visitors to your website. For example, users could collect points by commenting on an article.

Advanced Ads Pro integrates beautifully with GamiPress. It provides all the necessary tools to serve ads to specific users based on their individual rewards.

This way, you can show targeted banners to or hide ads from users with high rankings.

GamiPress Visitor Conditions

With GamiPress, you can create three different types of digital rewards: Points, Achievements, and Ranks. The plugin lets you refine each of these rewards with custom subtypes.

If your website has the GamiPress plugin enabled, Advanced Ads will automatically detect all created reward types and will add them to the corresponding Visitor Conditions:

  • GamiPress Points
  • GamiPress Ranks
  • GamiPress Achievements

Using the GamiPress conditions

You can add the GamiPress conditions either to a single ad or an entire placement.

To do so, choose the GamiPress reward type from the dropdown menu. Then, select the existing subtype you want to use to target your ad or placement.

Example for the GamiPress Points visitor condition
Choose from the existing Points types

Both GamiPress visitor conditions “Points” and “Ranks” work hierarchically. This means that you can use settings like “is greater than or equal to” for these two types. Whereas with the GamiPress Achievement condition, you choose from your existing achievements.

If you use any form of caching on your site, please enable cache busting. This option will ensure that the GamiPress conditions and other visitor conditions work correctly.

Example 1: Display ads only to users up to a particular score

The following example shows how to deliver your AdSense ads exclusively to users who rarely interact with your website and therefore have few GamiPress points.

Add the GamiPress Points condition to these ads. Then specify the maximum number of points a user has acquired to still see ads.

GamiPress Points visitor condition in Advanced Ads
This setup ensures to show an ad to users with equal or less than 10 GamiPress Points

Example 2: Display a placement not for users with a specific achievement

You can also make this condition setting on placement level to affect all ads assigned there with this setting.

For example, you could show a popup placement to all users who haven’t earned a “moderator” batch.

GamiPress Ads achievement targeting
This popup will appear to all users who don’t have the “Moderator” badge

What else should you know?

Both GamiPress visitor conditions “Points” and “Ranks” work hierarchically. This means that you can use settings like “is greater than or equal to” for these two types. Whereas with the GamiPress Archievment condition, you choose from your existing achievements.

If you use any form of caching on your site, please enable cache busting. This option will ensure that the GamiPress conditions and other visitor conditions work correctly.

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GamiPress Advanced Ads integration

GamiPress offers its own Advanced Ads add-on. Use this plugin to integrate specific actions of a user with Advanced Ads into the GamiPress reward system.

GamiPress Advanced Ads integration
Example from the Advanced Ads integration by GamiPress to reward users who get rewarded for expiring ads

For example, users who publish ads or whose published ads have expired can earn rewards this way.

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