Visitor Conditions (Overview)

Visitor Conditions allow you to display ads only to specific users. All available Visitor Conditions have in common that the decision whether an ad is shown to or hidden from the current user is made based on information that might be individual, like the device he is using, where he is coming from, or which … Read more

Display ads based on browser or device

With Advanced Ads Pro, you can define which browser or device should be able to see an ad with the user agent visitor condition. You don’t have to make any changes to display an ad on all browsers and devices. To display an ad on a specific browser, search for the Visitor conditions metabox and add the user agent condition. Once you … Read more

Display ads by device

With Advanced Ads, you can define whether to display an ad to everyone or only on mobile, desktop, or tablet devices or their combination. First of all, Visitor conditions limit the delivery of ads to certain user groups. They do not force the implementation of ads. Therefore, you don’t need to make further changes if … Read more

How to target ads on GamiPress websites

Advanced Ads integrates beautifully with GamiPress. It provides all the necessary tools to serve ads to specific users based on their individual rewards.

Max. Ad Impressions

The Max. Ad Impressions condition displays ads based on the number of impressions the ad received already from this visitor. This targeting can be helpful if you want to set up frequency capping. How to limit ad impressions You can find this condition in the Visitor Conditions section on the ad’s edit page. After adding it from the dropdown … Read more

Max. Ad Clicks

The Max. Ad Clicks visitor condition displays ads based on the number of clicks the ad unit can receive from a single visitor. The ad will be hidden as soon as that visitor has reached the limit in a given time. This limitation is helpful if you want to prevent users from clicking the same … Read more

Display ads based on user capabilities

With Advanced Ads Pro, you can display or hide an ad based on the users’ capabilities. This targeting is helpful if you want to display different ads for different user groups, like on membership sites. Or if logged-in users with a specific level should not see an ad. User capabilities are outstanding in fine-tuning who should … Read more

How to hide or display ads by Referrer URL

With Advanced Ads Pro, you can display or hide an ad only for users coming to your site from a specific URL, e.g., from the Google search, Facebook, or your newsletter. You don’t have to make any changes to display an ad on all browsers and devices. To display an ad to a visitor coming from … Read more

Previous Page Impressions Condition

With Advanced Ads Pro you can display or hide an ad based on the number of page impressions a visitor has made. This is useful to fine tune ads for recurring and faithful users. You don’t have to make any changes in order to display an ad everywhere. Only use this option if you want … Read more

Showing ads to new or returning visitors

With Advanced Ads Pro, you can display or hide an ad to new visitors with just a simple visitor condition.  New users are more likely to click on ads, so you can display more ads to them without annoying your existing users. On the other hand, you can also use this option to display ads or … Read more

Logged-in visitors

With the Logged-in visitor condition, you can define whether an ad is visible to logged-in visitors or not. You don’t have to use this condition to display the ad to all visitors. To display an ad to logged-in visitors only or hide it from them, go to the Visitor conditions meta box and select the logged-in visitor condition. Now, choose the … Read more

Geo-Targeting Ads – Documentation

The documentation of the “Geo Location” visitor condition. You can use geo-targeting to display or hide ads for visitors coming from a specific location, i.e. country, city, or continent.

Cookie Condition

Show or hide ad units based on the presence or value of a specific cookie.

Browser language

Display ads by browser language. Target users effectively and increase clicks and conversions to enhance your earnings.

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