
Advanced Ads provides shortcodes for each ad, group, and placement to be added to the content of pages manually. Shortcode for ads You can find the shortcode for an individual ad below the ad’s title on the edit page. The shortcode for single ads looks like below, with 648 being the individual ad ID. Textlinks … Read more

Purchases and Licenses

All important information about licenses, subscriptions, renewals, refunds, test sites and upgrades.

Remove ads from WordPress

This manual helps publishers to remove all ads from their WordPress site, whether they are using our Advanced Ads plugin or another method. If you are looking for a way to remove ads from specific pages or hide it from specific users only then please take a look at the disable ads manual. Remove Google … Read more

How to duplicate an ad

Many of our customers manage dozens or even hundreds of ads with Advanced Ads. This can be a time-consuming job. Advanced Ads Pro can ease this work with a useful feature to duplicate ads quickly. This function can save you a lot of time, primarily when you are creating very similar ad units or identical … Read more

Import & Export

How to import and export your ads, groups, placements, and settings to move them to another website.

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