Ads in RSS Feeds

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the specifics of embedding ads into RSS feeds. Discover the best ad types, ad ratio, and important limitations to consider. Learn how to optimize your ad placement strategy to generate maximum revenue while keeping your readers engaged.

Post Content Condition

The Post Content display condition allows you to show or hide ads depending on occurring words of the content.

Display ads based on URL parameters

With Advanced Ads Pro, you can display or hide an ad based on URL parameters. This option is helpful if you have specific parameters in your URL or want to create additional display conditions. You don’t have to make any changes to display an ad everywhere. Only use this option to limit where the ad is visible. … Read more

Display Conditions

The Display Conditions are one of the most powerful, but complex features in Advanced Ads. They allow you to define the attributes of pages on which the ad should show up or hide in very fine detail. If you use Advanced Ads Pro, these conditions not only give you more control over ads but also … Read more

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