How to install an Add-On

Learn how to easily install Advanced Ads add-ons in WordPress. Get step-by-step instructions for installation and activation.

Updating Add-ons

If automatic updates via the WordPress backend do not work, this can have several causes. Here you can find out how to fix them.

Tracking add-on – Troubleshooting

This page contains solutions for common issues and questions related to our Tracking add-on. Also, check out the common issues on this page. Keep in mind: There is no tracking tool like the other. So minor differences between the results of different tools are very normal. Impressions missing completely Please see the following potential causes of impressions not … Read more

Geo-Targeting Ads – Documentation

The documentation of the “Geo Location” visitor condition. You can use geo-targeting to display or hide ads for visitors coming from a specific location, i.e. country, city, or continent.

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