Anzeigen auf einer Membership-Seite von Paid Memberships Pro verwalten

Wenn du das Plugin Paid Memberships Pro auf deiner Website verwendest, stehen dir dank einer Integration in Advanced Ads Pro einige spezielle Features zur Verfügung. So kannst du sehr komfortabel sowohl Anzeigen auf geschützten Mitgliederbereichen verwalten als auch Anzeigen gezielt an Benutzer definierbarer Membership-Levels ausspielen. Grundlegende Einstellungen für Anzeigen in Paid Memberships Pro Paid Memberships … Read more

How to manage ads on membership sites running Paid Memberships Pro

Using the Paid Memberships Pro plugin on your website can benefit from some features thanks to a dedicated integration with Advanced Ads Pro. Use them to manage your ads on restricted membership content as well as to target your visitors’ membership levels. Basic setup for ads in Paid Memberships Pro The free plugin Paid Memberships Pro … Read more

How to integrate The Moneytizer into WordPress

The Moneytizer is a large advertising platform that optimizes ads from several ad networks like Google AdSense or Criteo. Users of Advanced Ads regularly ask us how to implement The Moneytizer ads into their WordPress websites, so we wrote the following tutorial. You will learn about the different ad formats, how to use Advanced Ads … Read more

Fix ads in your content when scrolling

The Advanced Ads team is the new maintainer of the famous Q2W3 Fixed Widget plugin and now takes care of over 100,000 websites using this plugin. I see a lot of potential combining the features of Advanced Ads and Fixed Widget when it comes down to improving the visibility of ads and other content, like … Read more

WP Engine and ads

WP Engine hosting can be tricky with ads. Thanks to our developer accounts we found a few solutions to make it work with Advanced Ads.

Automatischen Anzeigen (AdSense) in WordPress

Automatische Anzeigen von AdSense sind eine einfache Möglichkeit, mit Anzeigenvermarktung auf deiner Webseite zu starten. AdSense entscheidet hier selbst über die Platzierung und die Anzahl von Anzeigen auf deiner Seite. Als Herausgeber der Webseite musst du das Setup nur ein Mal einrichten.

Fixing a responsive AdSense ad from covering text

Most AdSense ads are responsive, which means that they adapt dynamically to the available width of the screen. This ad type is great for layouts that fit on desktops and mobile devices. There is one issue I am aware of that causes publishers a headache: When you show a responsive ad next to a floated … Read more

How to define a specific order in a group

If you combine ads in our Ordered group type, Advanced Ads will check them in the given order. The first ad that is checked with a positive result is also displayed. Some users expect this group to rotate ads evenly, e.g., show ad #1 first, then ad #2, #3, etc., and finally start again with #1. While … Read more

How to set up AdSense Matched Content Ads in WordPress

Google deprecated the Matched Content ad format from March 2022. Instead, Google AdSense automatically converts these ads into Multiplex ads now. You can learn how to create and embed ads of this type in our tutorial about Google AdSense Multiplex Ads. AdSense Matched Content ads are a native ad format that engages users and helps to … Read more

Ads and security

Advanced Ads is restrictive about who can manage ads on your site. By default, this is only the admin. However, allowing all kinds of codes in the Plain Text ad type is still a risky business if you just copy and paste ad codes from external sources. I wanted to use this article to give … Read more

How to add the Facebook Pixel to WordPress

Facebook’s retargeting technology helps you to track conversions and build custom audiences to better target your Facebook ads. To get started, you need to implement the Facebook Pixel to your website. In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to do that in WordPress using Advanced Ads. Create and get the Facebook Pixel The … Read more

Lazy Loading ads in WordPress

Lazy loading is a technology to prevent those objects on a website from getting loaded before they appear in the visitor’s visible area. This trick keeps the loading time of a website at a minimum and improves its performance. This concept is widespread in handling images. We developed a feature to provide a deferred loading … Read more

How to block ads on a specific page?

With Advanced Ads you can exclude ads from specific pages, e.g. to keep your legal pages ad free. The following article shows the two methods for this.

How to add ads on BuddyPress pages?

This tutorial explains how to display ads on BuddyPress pages and inject them into activity streams, group pages or other positions.

How to show ads on bbPress pages?

This tutorial explains how to add ads to bbPress forum pages and inside the dynamically created threads and posts of such forums.

Displaying Ads with WPBakery Page Builder

The WPBakery page builder is one of the most popular premium page builders for WordPress. No wonder I receive many requests on how to use ads, and especially AdSense ad units, directly within the WPBakery interface. Until now, the simple solution was to use a shortcode from an ad, group, or placement created with Advanced … Read more

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