How to calculate banner advertising rates on your website

Turning your website into a revenue stream by selling ad space directly can be wise, provided you nail down your pricing. Since this approach skips the need for external ad networks or SSPs, it allows you to forge direct, lasting partnerships with advertisers.

But here’s the deal—you’ll actively seek potential advertisers, negotiate terms, and foster relationships. On the other hand, you can set your pricing and control how much you charge for advertising on your website. Essentially, it’s an investment that should yield meaningful returns.

Explore this comprehensive guide, where I demystify website banner advertising rates. I’ll guide you through the factors influencing banner advertising rates, help you set prices, and choose the suitable pricing model for your available ad space and position. Let’s maximize the potential of your ad space for optimal results!

Key metrics for the cost of website ads  

Before calculating the price for your advertising space, it’s crucial to assess the current monetization standing of your website.

Understanding the key metrics

To calculate the price for your ad spaces as accurately as possible, it’s essential to be familiar with the key metrics in online marketing that play a crucial role.

UsersUnique website visitors within a specific timeframe
Page viewsTotal pages loaded or refreshed on your site
Ad impressionsThe total number of times a specific ad unit is displayed
Ad clicksTotal clicks on a specific ad unit
Click-through rate (CTR)Percentage of users clicking on a displayed ad
Conversion ratePercentage of desired user actions, such as purchases, in response to advertisements

Calculate average CTR and conversion rates if you want to specify these values globally for your entire website. Additionally, check how many placements generate ad impressions simultaneously. For example, if one advertiser’s particular banner appears in various locations—like the header, content, and sidebar—the expected number of ad impressions increases.

Use web statistics such as Google Analytics to determine the number of users and page views. Capture the number of your ad impressions, ad clicks, and CTR with the Tracking Add-on. Note that the conversion rate calculation varies depending on the advertising partner. For instance, if you promote Amazon products through your website, you can find the conversion rates in the Amazon Partnernet reports. I’ll explain how to interpret and work with this metric later.

Analyze key metrics of your website

Two metrics, page RPM and ad RPM, enable you to compare the performance of different ads and websites.

Page RPM (Revenue Per Mille)Revenue earned per thousand page views on a website
Ad RPMRevenue earned per thousand ad impressions on a website

For instance, if you earned an estimated €110 from 38,000 ad impressions on an ad unit on your garden blog, your ad RPM would be calculated as (€110 / 38,000) * 1000, resulting in €2.89.

An illustration visualizing an example of the formula for ad revenue per mille: €110 ad revenue divided by 38,000 ad impressions times one thousand equals €2.89
Know the AD RPM (ad revenue per mille) to compare your ad performance

To enhance the accuracy of calculating your ad space and make it more realistic, it’s crucial to determine these values for your website as precisely as possible. The best method to do this depends on the specifics of your website.

The Page RPM and Ad RPM may vary depending on the number of ad spaces you have on your site. You get 3 ad impressions per page view if a page has three ads. The more ad impressions per page view you accumulate, the higher you can set the price. However, keep in mind that you cannot scale this indefinitely. Too many ads will impact the user experience of your website, potentially leading to lower overall engagement rates. The key is to find the sweet spot for optimal monetization.

Determining the earning potential of your website with Google AdSense

Many who choose to market their ad spaces directly often consciously decide against using Google AdSense. The reasons for this decision can be diverse, including concerns about website layout, loading time, privacy, or perceived low traffic.

Nevertheless, I recommend registering with AdSense and placing at least one ad on your website. Depending on your website’s traffic, a few weeks of testing may be sufficient. You can extract values such as the CTR, Page RPM, and Ad RPM from the AdSense reports during this period. This test aims to generate as many ad impressions as possible, seeking to obtain the most valid results about Google ads’ performance on your website.

Interpreting AdSense data for your pricing

As a publisher with AdSense, you receive 68% of the revenue generated by clicks on your website.

What can you do with this number? One approach is examining the AdSense reports’ Page RPM and Impression RPM. You can then estimate what these values would be if AdSense were not acting as an intermediary. To achieve this, multiply both values by 1.47. Now you know what advertisers pay for clicks, including the Google fees.

Consider the previous example where the ad RPM was €2.89 in the AdSense reports. By multiplying this value by the factor of 1.47, you obtain the ad RPM adjusted for the AdSense share, which is €4.24.

When selling a directly marketed banner in this position, ensure that the price is not lower than what you would earn with the AdSense ad plus the share retained by Google.

Utilize affiliate ads to gauge your website’s earning potential 

If your website’s content is relevant to products or services, incorporating affiliate marketing banners can help determine the ad RPM on your site. A crucial prerequisite for this approach is that your affiliate network provides statistics on clicks and revenue. For example, strategically placing a relevant Amazon product could be a logical choice if you run a gardening website. 

You can track clicks, impressions, and CTR for this affiliate banner using Advanced Ads. Additional conversion rate and revenue data can be found in the Amazon PartnerNet reports, enabling you to calculate the ad RPM for this ad unit.

For example, consider that you prominently place an affiliate ad for a typical garden product in your website’s header. After four weeks, upon analyzing your statistics in the Amazon PartnerNet, you discover that you’ve earned €176 in commissions from 38,000 ad impressions.

Your ad RPM would be calculated as (€176 / 38,000) * 1000, resulting in €4.63.

This value serves as a benchmark, allowing you to assess the potential revenue of this ad position through an affiliate network. Adjust your pricing for directly marketed ad space based on this insight.

Pricing models

Flat rate pricing

The flat rate pricing model is popular for smaller publishers and advertisers due to its simplicity, providing a highly predictable financial outcome regardless of ad performance. In this model, advertisers pay a fixed price to display an ad for a specific duration, typically per month.

This pricing approach is particularly well-suited for extended partnerships where payments occur monthly. Moreover, it offers flexibility, allowing you to propose variations such as using different banners or occupying only a portion of a rotation for reduced costs, especially if you intend to sell an ad space to several customers. Advanced Ads provides robust technical support for these scenarios:

Often structured monthly, banner advertising rates may vary based on factors such as anticipated traffic, ad placement location, ad dimensions, and contract length. Given the predetermined earnings, this model empowers publishers and advertisers to plan and manage their expenses effectively.

It’s crucial to factor in long-term partnerships when pricing, ensuring that your advertising spaces remain consistently booked and do not go unused if temporarily unattended.

CPM calculation for per-impression pricing (Cost Per Mille)

Advertisers are charged per thousand impressions in cost-per-thousand-impression pricing, making it a popular model for medium-to-large publishers. Cost per Mille, or CPM, represents the cost per thousand impressions, indicating how much advertisers are charged for every thousand times an ad is viewed. Essentially, CPM is the advertiser’s counterpart to the Publisher RPM.

How do you calculate CPM?

The formula for calculating CPM is:

Cost per Mille = (Total ad spend) / Total ad impressions * 1000

CPM is a viable model, especially for publishers with substantial traffic, typically exceeding 500,000 monthly impressions. However, for smaller advertisers, impressions may be intentionally limited due to various targeting criteria, including frequency capping and geographical targeting, which help manage advertising budgets while maintaining high-quality traffic.

One notable advantage of the CPM model is that advertisers don’t need to worry about inflated clicks, as with the CPC model.

An illustration visualizing the formula for cost per mille for Calculate your ad revenue per mille to set banner advertising rates: CPM equals total ad spend divided by total ad impressions times one thousand
Calculate your CPM (cost per mille) to set banner advertising rates

If you manage your ads with Advanced Ads and activate the Tracking add-on, you can set individual impression limits for each ad to realize CPM pricing. The plugin will stop delivering the respective banner if its limit is reached.

CPC calculation for pay-per-click advertising (Cost per Click)

In the pay-per-click (CPC) advertising model, advertisers are charged for each click on their ads. To establish a benchmark, I recommend using the average click price of AdSense or the average profit per click on affiliate ads. If your content is in a high-paid niche, such as legal, finance, and insurance, or if you operate a review and comparison website, you may experience remarkable click prices.

This pricing method is popular as it is less risky for advertisers. However, one concern with this model is click fraud, where click counts are artificially inflated to increase advertising costs. To address this, publishers should offer click fraud protection to safeguard their advertisers.

Depending on the rate, this model can be profitable for you as a publisher. However, it is less predictable, as you don’t know how many people will click on the ad, and the potential billing issues can be drawbacks. Directly marketed ads remunerated via pay-per-click are relatively uncommon due to these challenges and the complexity of attracting advertisers for this method.

For those managing ads with Advanced Ads and an active Tracking add-on, click limits can be set for each ad. If a user reaches this limit with their click, the plugin will cease delivering the respective banner to all visitors. Additionally, activating the Click Fraud Protection helps safeguard your customers’ ads from fraudulent clicks.

How do you calculate CPC?

The formula for calculating CPC is:

Cost per Click = (Total ad spend) / Total measured clicks

CPA calculation for performance-based pricing (Cost Per Action)

We delve into classic affiliate marketing in the Cost-per-acquisition/Action/Lead/Purchase method. In this model, the publisher earns a commission whenever a user clicks on a link and completes a specific action on a landing page, such as purchasing or registering for an online course.

Advertisers favor this model due to its high-quality leads and return on investment. However, the drawback is that your earnings depend on the advertiser actually converting users.

An illustration visualizing the formula for cost per acquisition: CPA equals total amount spent divided by total attributed conversions
High CPA values require a well-converting website with qualified traffic, which is reflected in high banner advertising rates

Affiliate marketing can yield higher page RPMs than display ads such as AdSense, especially if your content persuasively promotes products or services. Therefore, it’s advisable to test established affiliate programs like Amazon to secure a fair commission rate based on robust data.

However, the technical implementation and precise attribution of sales/actions to your website present challenges for this payment method. This is why many companies outsource this work to professional affiliate networks. A standard method to enable attribution without a complex technical infrastructure is often through dedicated discounts you promote on your site. 

How do you calculate CPA? 

Cost per Acquisition =  (Total amount spent) / Total Attributed Conversions

Factors influencing ad space pricing

Setting the appropriate pricing for your available advertising space is complex, as a universal pricing structure does not apply. Each website, blog, or content provider relying on advertising revenue is unique. The considerations for pricing on a garden blog are vastly different from those on a local news website. As you navigate the process of determining your banner advertising rates, you should consider these crucial aspects.

Website content

At the core of your website’s functionality lies its content—a magnetic force attracting visitors and potential advertisers, exerting a profound influence on your pricing strategy. The definition of content varies across websites and industries, encompassing articles, songs, games, forum posts, photos, and more.

To achieve optimal results, your content should exhibit variety, relevance, and uniqueness, and, most importantly, it should deliver substantial value to the user. Consider your content the primary product, directing your efforts towards continuous improvement and expansion. A consistent flow of relevant and helpful content tailored to your target audience enhances its value, making your website more appealing to users and advertisers.

Additionally, diving into specific topics that resonate with your audience caters to their interests and elevates your site’s ranking.

Conversely, focusing on prohibited categories—such as spyware or malware, pornography, illegal weapons and drugs, gambling, casinos, alcohol and tobacco, hate speech, and violence—may hinder your website’s access to various monetization platforms and solutions, potentially limiting your revenue opportunities in directly sold ad space.

Size, demographics, and engagement rates of your audience

Comprehensive knowledge of your audience is paramount for the success of your website. Delve into audience demographics, interests, and behaviors to deeply understand your user base. Factors such as age, gender, economic activity, and income provide crucial insights that attract advertisers with relevant products and help secure higher banner advertising rates.

Consider the geographical location of your visitors. Local advertisers naturally target audiences within their proximity. However, specific countries may attract advertisers’ attention due to their perceived value. Generally, users from English-speaking nations and those with higher spending capacity tend to capture advertiser interest more.

Precise information about your target audience entices advertisers to invest in longer display durations, larger advertising contracts, or higher banner advertising rates. The more comprehensive your user data, the more confidently you can set your website ad prices.

Traffic analysis via impressions over a specific period

A crucial aspect of traffic analysis involves determining the total number of monthly pageviews and visitors. Ad networks primarily scrutinize these metrics to assess a website’s advertising value. A higher number of visits not only means more exposure to ads but also translates into increased leads and conversions for advertisers.

For potential advertisers, reaching their target audience and expanding their outreach is crucial. Focusing on growth is your first priority to attract advertisers if your website’s traffic is currently on the lower side. Elevating your search engine ranking can be achieved through strategic measures like link building, consistent blogging, or securing promotions on external platforms through guest posts.

It’s essential to recognize that not all web traffic is of equal quality. Moreover, specific locations and countries are notorious for generating fraudulent and inflated clicks. Therefore, advertisers often prefer targeting their ads to particular areas to ensure quality interactions and genuine engagement. Advanced Ads Pro allows you to target ads by geo-location and thus hide them in certain countries to handle such issues.

Strategies for pricing

Establish competitive banner advertising rates through research and benchmarking

A straightforward and impactful metric for advertisers to compare websites is the CPM (Cost per Mille). To gauge your competitiveness, carefully examine the pricing structures of your competitors and assess their reach in terms of daily, weekly, or monthly views of their ad spaces. This comprehensive analysis provides a clearer understanding of your market landscape.

Your goal is to determine an appropriate rate for your website. Overpricing may lead advertisers to seek alternatives, while underpricing means you’re not maximizing your advertising potential. To strike the right balance, consider testing with AdSense and affiliate ads to ascertain the earning potential of specific ad placements. Utilizing these benchmarks helps you identify a price level you should not undercut.

Offer discounts for long-term commitments as flexible pricing options

Once you’ve determined the banner rate you expect, it’s time to extend advertising offers to potential partners. Understand that pricing is an evolving aspect, and you have the flexibility to make adjustments over time. Consider introducing promotions and discounts to establish a solid advertiser network, particularly if you launched your website recently.

For instance, you might initiate by charging a low CPM for the first three months, allowing advertisers to test the effectiveness of their ads. Alternatively, you could start with a modest CPM and gradually increase the rate as traffic improves. Another strategy is providing incentives for early advertisers to secure favorable banner advertising rates. However, it’s crucial to transparently communicate any price changes and the rationale behind them to your advertisers. The goal is to foster long-term relationships with your advertising partners.

Upsell ad space with additional services

Consider enhancing your offer by providing additional services to distinguish yourself from the competition. One effective strategy could be offering a bonus placement in your newsletter as an enticing addition.

Pricing example of banner advertising rates on a website

As highlighted earlier, determining the pricing for your ad spaces involves considering various factors. As an initial step, I recommend using the ad RPM you achieve on your website with other ads as a benchmark. Refining these benchmarks through A/B tests and experimenting with different networks can enhance precision. In the example of the garden blog, the ad RPM stood at €4.24 with commission-adjusted AdSense earnings and €4.89 over an affiliate network.

Let’s consider a scenario with the garden blog where you tested Google AdSense and Amazon ads against each other in an ad rotation at the same position for four weeks. Over this period, you had 76,000 page impressions, with each banner accumulating 38,000 ad impressions.

Cumulating these values, the page RPM amounts to €4.34. Ensure to adjust the AdSense values for commission in this calculation:

(€110 * 1.4 [AdSense] + €176 [Amazon]) / (38,000 + 38,000) * 1000 = €4.34

(€154 + 176€) / 76,000 * 1000 = €4.34

€330 / 76,000 * 1000 = €4.34

Now, analyze your traffic and estimate the monthly page views that you reach. In our example, there are approximately 76,000 page impressions. Applying the page RPM to this value reveals your expected monthly earnings with other networks, allowing you to calculate your monthly minimum price for renting this ad space:

76,000 [page impressions] * €4.34 [page RPM] / 1000 = €329.84

In this case, I would recommend the Flat Pricing Model, proposing a monthly fee ranging from €350 to €400 as a banner rate. To enhance the offer’s attractiveness, I suggest integrating different banner formats for split testing, providing additional optimization utility for the advertiser. Moreover, I would sweeten the deal by including a bonus banner placement in my monthly gardening enthusiasts newsletter.

How to find direct advertisers?

Selling ad space directly is a hands-on process that involves direct interaction with potential buyers, establishing unique business partnerships, and engaging in negotiations and agreements. Generating leads, converting clients, and building long-term relationships require significant effort.

Creating an ‘Advertise here’ page on your website with listed prices for ad spaces may not attract advertisers. To be successful, you must proactively approach potential customers.

Selling ads directly becomes more manageable for publishers in specific content niches with a dedicated audience. The most effective approach is to research media within the same content categories and identify brands and companies that advertise with them.

Prepare a compelling cover letter and reach out to these brands to persuade them to advertise on your website. Including a media kit for this customer acquisition approach is crucial, ideally making it accessible to interested customers on your website. The media kit should showcase the value of your ad space and include key metrics that advertisers typically consider when evaluating ad space, such as unique users, page views, ad views, ad click-through rate (CTR), and bounce rate.

Automate directly selling ads

If you’re considering starting direct ad sales, I recommend proactively contacting potential advertisers initially. Gain experience in dealing with ad clients and understanding their needs firsthand. Once you’ve established direct ad sales, you can semi-automate the process using the Selling Ads add-on.

Screenshot of the frontend’s ad products overview page
Example of how a shop for ad space could look

This add-on facilitates renting ad spaces based on duration, impressions, or clicks. It comfortably integrates with WooCommerce, empowering customers to book and pay for ad spaces through your shop independently. After completing the payment, they receive an email and can easily upload their banners, which Advanced Ads automatically convert into ad units.

While this solution can streamline your processes when advertisers approach you, it’s advisable to focus on establishing direct contacts initially if you’re starting the direct ad sales challenge. Hold off on setting up a complex system until you’re more comfortable with the process.


This tutorial has equipped you with actionable strategies for evaluating the worth of ad space on your website. The emphasis on utilizing ad networks such as AdSense and affiliate ads is a practical approach to ascertaining your site’s actual earning capacity, providing valuable insights. Recognizing the significance of key metrics, target demographics, and traffic analytics becomes pivotal in establishing competitive pricing. 

My encouragement is to venture into selling ads directly, initiating the process instead of letting apprehensions impede progress. Embrace networks like Google AdSense or affiliate ads to derive realistic figures, setting the stage for a more informed and confident approach to navigating the dynamic landscape of online advertising. Remember, experimentation is key, so don’t hesitate to leap into direct ad sales.

Author image Joachim

Joachim started marketing his first local news website in 2009. Shortly after, he successfully monetized his travel blogs about Morocco. He is an expert in affiliate marketing in the tourism and travel industry. When he's not writing tutorials for Advanced Ads or supporting other users, he prefers staying in Marrakech or at the Baltic Sea.

With over a decade of industry expertise, Advanced Ads is your surefooted ally in the ad tech realm. Their array of WordPress ad manager plugins enhances your advertising strategy, ensuring effective ad placements. Rely on their ad tech proficiency to stay ahead in the dynamic world of digital advertising. Contact info

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