26 results found

How to embed Amazon ads on your WordPress website

This tutorial will show how to integrate, target, and track all available official advertising tools like text links, banner ads, Native Shopping Ads, Mobile Popovers, or specific promotions.

Selling Ads

Sell ads directly on your website – fully automated, including payments and advertiser profiles.

All Access

Maximize your website’s earning potential with features like Tracking, extra placements, AMP and Google Ad Manager support, and many more.


Track your ads and limit them by clicks and impressions. Display the stats with beautiful graphs or analyze them on Google Analytics.

How to monetize a travel blog

Dreaming of transforming your travel blog into a sustainable income source? This guide unveils the secrets! Explore effective monetization strategies like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and digital products. Discover how to leverage your captivating travel experiences to build a successful online business.

Recommended Ad Networks

In more than 10 years as publishers and developers of Advanced Ads, we have tested and integrated many ad networks. We have seen only a few networks thrive and many more vanish entirely. The following page contains a few ad networks that have worked for us or some of our users. Our main criteria for … Read more

Affiliate Links

Master affiliate links with Advanced Ads. Increase your earnings and learn how to leverage trust, boost conversions, and optimize your affiliate marketing strategies step-by-step in this tutorial.

How to select ideal affiliate products for your website

Choosing the right affiliate products isn’t just about picking something popular. This guide dives deep into understanding your audience, analyzing product demand and commission rates, to help you select ideal products that resonate with your website and generate revenue.

Creating and displaying your first ad

This tutorial will show you how you can create and display your first ad on your website. Getting started Ads are the content you want to display, such as a banner ad, a text link, or a JavaScript-based ad code, e.g., from the Amazon Affiliate Program or Google AdSense. Ad groups are handy if you … Read more

Ad Types

The ad type defines specific features of an ad that bases on input and output. Find below a description of the current ad types.

Categories Uncategorized

Split testing in Google Ad Manager

This tutorial is about Google Ad Manager optimization by A/B testing creative sizes and native styles to improve the ad performance.

Evaluation of Google AdSense reports and how to create them

This guide explores analyzing and creating reports for Google AdSense. It covers key metrics like click-through rate and impressions, along with how to set up custom reports and integrate AdSense with Google Analytics for deeper insights.

Ad Templates

On this page, you will find different ad templates that show you certain features of Advanced Ads and get you started quickly.

Make it better

Increase your ad management skills without spending more time.
Join over 150,000 publishers and AdOpts increasing their ad revenue.